For the past first two weeks of July, I watched Harry Potter 1-5 over and over again and I couldn't stop until I watched this old Filipino movie entitled "
Soltera" wherein one woman was single for six years (I think) after breaking up with his one true love and then bumped into this guy Eric who was 14 years younger than her. He courted her but their age stopped Sandra from giving him a chance but in the end they lived together because they fell in love.
Then months passed and they've noticed the hardships of having the relationship. Sandra was older and she tried to change him because she saw a better future for him that way but Eric was too young to understand. They end up quarreling and arguing.
Sandra decided to take a trip with her mom and sisters to the U.S. to be able to re-assess herself, feelings and priorities so she left Eric for the meantime. When she was gone, Eric invited Sandra's office assistant, who she treated as her younger sister, to the beach for a weekend outing and Eric and Lisa fell inlove. They were of the same age and were both young.
But Lisa fought back her feelings because she loved Sandra more (as a big sister and she couldn't betray or hurt her). Sandra came back and later knew about Eric falling in love with Lisa. Lisa gave her resignation letter because she couldn't work with Sandra anymore because of the guilt she felt from having been in love with Eric. Eric also left Sandra. They all separated ways and everything.
In the end, Sandra had a son from Eric, Lisa met and married someone else and Eric was planning his own wedding with a girl named Rachelle for the year to come. They were all happy.
I kept on thinking about the age thing. It was scary - I mean the one you love finding a more suitable partner for him when you already loved him very much. I couldn't help but pity Sandra but I admired her for her courage to move on and live happily with her son. That takes a lot of courage and optimism.
Happy endings are not always there but it still depends on how you work out a mistake or a failure like how Sandra learned. She was lucky to have a best friend that supported her and woke her up from thinking that everything was over after Eric left her. Friendship really helps. No man is an island.
I just hope it won't happen with me because right now there's this one boy who's just 12 who kept on telling me things a normal suitor of my age would say. I love his presence because he's warm. Anyway, he's just a kid and that won't ever change. He still has a different view from people older than him. I'll keep hanging out with him because he's a nice boy.